
June 2024 - Proctor, D. (2024). "Internationalisation and the doctoral experience: Discipline as lens and driver". In Jones, E., Norlin, B., Rönnqvist, C. & Sullivan, K. (Eds.) Internationalisation of the doctoral experience: models, opportunities and outcomes. Routledge. 

June 2024 - editorial. European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Leadership in international education, Summer 2024
April 2024 - editorial. European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, The international student voice, Spring 2024

December 2023 - editorial. European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Across disciplines, across boundaries, Winter 2023

July 2023 - Proctor, D., & Rumbley, L. (2023). Environmental Sustainability and Internationalization in Higher Education: A New Frontier in Research, Policy and Practice. Journal of Studies in International Education.

June 2023 - editorial. European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Well-being without borders, Summer 2023

April 2023 - editorial. European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Risk and Response, Spring 2023

December 2022 - Leadership reflections: Sustaining international education in the face of adversity, blog post, NAFSA Leading Internationalization Network (LIZN) 

December 2022 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Universities and their Communities, Winter 2022

September 2022 - “Casual colonialism: The challenges of market presence”. In Humphries, D. (Ed.) No Going Back: Exploring New Horizons in Global Education, Part 3: Global Education Futures, Chapter 14, Barton Carlyle.

June 2022 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Collaborative Europe, Summer 2022

April 2022 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Our Changing Climate, Spring 2022

December 2021 - Hunter, F., Bryan McAllister-Grande, B., Proctor, D., & de Wit, H. "The Evolving Definitions of Internationalization: A Question of Values". In Deardorff, D., de Wit, H., Leask, B. & Charles, H. (Eds.) The Handbook of International Higher Education, 2nd Ed. Stylus Publishing.

December 2021 - Woldegiyorgis, A., Proctor, D., & de Wit, H. "Internationalization of Research". In Deardorff, D., de Wit, H., Leask, B. & Charles, H. (Eds.) The Handbook of International Higher Education, 2nd Ed. Stylus Publishing.

December 2021 - Wood, P., Connolly, S. & Murray, D. 'International Student Recruitment: The Case of Ireland' in "International Student Recruitment: Issues, Approaches, and Outcomes". In Deardorff, D., de Wit, H., Leask, B. & Charles, H. (Eds.) The Handbook of International Higher Education, 2nd Ed. Stylus Publishing.

December 2021 - Asking the Right Questions, Even When There Are No Answers, NAFSA International Educator magazine, December 2021

December 2021 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Internationalisation for all: Distributed leadership in international education, Winter 2021

December 2021 - Stakeholders in internationalisation: dealing with (dis)engagement, blog post, European Association for International Education (EAIE) blog

June 2021 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Mobility in the balance, Summer 2021

April 2021 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Europe and the Global South, Spring 2021

April 2021 - 2021 Winter Forum call for submissions: Internationalisation for all, blog post, European Association for International Education (EAIE) blog

December 2020 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Resilience in Uncertain Times, Winter 2020

June 2020 - editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Employability for the 21st century, Summer 2020

April 2020 - Digitalisation in the age of COVID-19, editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Digitalisation, Spring 2020

March 2020 - Proctor, D. & Sainte-Rose, S. (2020). 5 questions to ask during strategic internationalisation planning, blog post, European Association for International Education (EAIE) blog

January 2020 - Proctor, D. (2020). "Global Engagement Offers New Opportunities for Ireland". In Mooney, B. (Ed.) Ireland's Yearbook of Education 2019-2020, pp 293-296, Education Matters.

December 2019 - Setting the internationalisation research agenda, editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, The Internationalisation Research Agenda, Winter 2019

October 2019 - Proctor, D. (2019). "Internationalization and Faculty: How to Have an Intelligent Conversation". In Godwin, K.A. & de Wit, H. (Eds.) Intelligent Internationalization: The Shape of Things to Come, pp 47-50, Boston College Center for International Higher Education, Brill / Sense Publishers

October 2019 - Rumbley, L.E. & Proctor, D. (2019). "Not Your Parents' Internationalization: Next Generation Perspectives". In Godwin, K.A. & de Wit, H. (Eds.) Intelligent Internationalization: The Shape of Things to Come, pp 23-26, Boston College Center for International Higher Education, Brill / Sense Publishers

July 2019 - Bracing for Brexit, editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, Bracing for Brexit, Summer 2019

April 2019 - The evolution of international education, editorial, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, The Evolving Classroom, Spring 2019

December 2018 - Proctor, D. (2018). "Next Generation Research on Internationalization – The Innovation Imperative". In Rumbley, L.E. & de Wit, H. (Eds.) CIHE Perspectives, No. 11. (2018). Innovative and Inclusive Internationalization: Proceedings of the WES-CIHE Summer Institute, June 20-22, 2018, pp 3-5.

December 2018 - Rumbley, L.E. & Proctor, D. (2018). Not Your Parents' Internationalization: Next Generation PerspectivesInternational Higher Education, No. 96, Winter 2019, pp 7-9, Boston College Center for International Higher Education, USA (subsequently republished as "Next generation perspectives on HE internationalisation" in University World News, Issue No. 533, 18 December 2018)

June 2018 - Proctor, D. & Rumbley, L.E. (2018). Internationalisation – New voices, ideas and approaches, University World News, Issue No. 508 (subsequently republished in CIHE Perspectives, No. 9. (2018). The Boston College Center for International Higher Education Year in Review, 2017-2018pp 26-28.)

May 2018 - Proctor, D. & Rumbley, L.E. (Eds.). (2018). The Future Agenda for Internationalization in Higher Education: Next Generation Insights into Research, Policy, and Practice. Routledge

March 2018 - Woldegiyorgis, A., Proctor, D. & de Wit, H. (2018). "Internationalization of Research: Key Considerations and Concerns". Journal of Studies in International Education.

December 2017 - Johnstone, C. & Proctor, D. (2017). "Aligning Institutional and National Contexts with Internationalization Efforts". Innovative Higher Education.

September 2017 - Proctor, D. (2017). "Global: Faculty and International Engagement: Has Internationalization Changed Academic Work?". In Mihut, G., Altbach, P. & de Wit, H. (Eds.), Understanding Higher Education Internationalization: Insights from Key Global Publications, pp 251-253, Sense Publishers, Amsterdam

May 2017 - Proctor, D. (2016). Academic staff and international engagement in Australian higher education. PhD thesis, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia

February 2017 - Proctor, D. & Arkoudis, S. (2017). Internationalisation of Australian Higher Education: Where to from here?. In James, R., French, S. & Kelly, P. (Eds.), Visions for Australian Tertiary Education, pp 123-132, Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia

December 2016 - "The Social Impact of International Education: International Research Roundtable 2016", outcomes report, International Education Research Network (IERN) & International Education Association of Australia (IEAA)

December 2016 - "International officers and academic staff: the importance of building bridges early in your career", article, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum magazine, The New International Officer, Winter 2016

March 2016 - "Stakeholder Engagement for Successful International Partnerships: Faculty and Staff roles", chapter in Global Perspectives on Strategic International Partnerships: A Guide to Building Sustainable Academic Linkages, pp 95-108, IIE/DAAD, USA/Germany

January 2016 - "The Changing Landscape of International Education Research", article, International Higher Education, No. 84, Winter 2016, pp 19-21, Boston College Center for International Higher Education, USA [also available in Portuguese "A Evolução do Panorama de Pesquisa em Ensino Internacional"]

December 2015 - “Faculty and international engagement: has internationalization changed academic work?”, article, International Higher Education, No. 83, 2015 special issue, pp 15-17, Boston College Center for International Higher Education, USA

November 2015 - "Where are we heading? International education in 2025", outcomes report, International Research Roundtable 2015, International Education Research Network (IERN) & International Education Association of Australia (IEAA)

November 2015 - "In what ways has internationalization shaped academic work? A perspective from Australia", research paper, 2015 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Conference, Denver, USA

October 2015 - "Key Trends in International Education Research 2011-2014: What Does the Data Tell Us?", infographic, International Education Research Network (IERN) & International Education Association of Australia (IEAA)

August 2015 - “Inform, Connect, Collaborate", article, International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Vista Magazine, Winter 2015 Employability Special Edition, pp. 44-45

May 2015 - "Interested in international education research?", article, Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) Spring 2015 Newsletter

April 2015 - "What do we know about international education research - in Europe and elsewhere?", blog post, European Association for International Education (EAIE) blog

April 2015 - "New hub for international education research", feature article, University World News, Issue No. 361

February 2015 - "What's Hot in International Education Research?", research report, International Education Research Network & International Education Association of Australia

March 2014 - “Engaging the Academy: the Next Frontier?”, article, International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Vista Magazine, Autumn 2014 edition, pp. 22-24

December 2013 - "Patterns of university engagement with Brazil and China: will history repeat?", guest blog, Smart Societies: Education, Research and Innovation in Emerging Economies

September 2013 - “Connecting the Dots: Integrating Engagement with International Stakeholders”, article, Institute of International Education (IIE) Networker, Fall 2013 edition "The Next Big Thing in International Education", pp. 27-29

August 2013 - “Joining the Dots on International Engagement”, opinion piece, International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Vista Magazine, Winter 2013 edition, pp. 10-13